dRamp Contract

Contract Roles

Global Parameters

Token Market Parameters


updateAdmin - DevAddr

   function updateAdmin(address _admin, bool _add) external onlyDev {
        isAdmin[_admin] = _add;

The owner can add/remove other administrators to/from the contract

createProtocol - Admin

function createProtocol(address _token, uint _tokenId) external onlyAdmin {
    if(!AllProtocols.contains(_token)) {
        protocolInfo[_token].status = RampStatus.Open;
        if (_tokenId > 0) updateTokenId(_token, _tokenId);

        IRamp(helper).emitCreateProtocol(msg.sender, _token);

function updateTokenId(address _token, uint _tokenId) public {
    require(ve(_ve).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
    if (AllProtocols.contains(_token)) {
        protocolInfo[_token].tokenId = _tokenId;

function getParams() external view returns(uint,uint,uint,uint,uint,uint,bool,address) {
    return (

This function adds a token market on your dRamp enabling it to mint or burn that token. You can only add approved tokens. The list of approved tokens is available on the page previous to this.

You can also attach a token from the collection attached to the dRamp to enable you to regain your admin privileges in the event you lose access to your wallet but still have the token. The collection address is the _ve parameter which is the last value returned by the getParams function

updateProtocol - Admin

function updateProtocol(
    address _token, 
    bool _close, 
    uint _cap,
    uint _salePrice,
    uint _maxParters
) external onlyAdmin {
    if(AllProtocols.contains(_token)) {
        uint _tokenId = protocolInfo[_token].tokenId;
        require(_tokenId == 0 || isAdmin[ve(_ve).ownerOf(_tokenId)]);
        _updateProtocol(_token, _close, _cap, _salePrice, _maxParters);

function _updateProtocol(
    address _token, 
    bool _close, 
    uint _cap,
    uint _salePrice,
    uint _maxParters
) internal {
    if (_close) {
        protocolInfo[_token].status = RampStatus.Close;
    } else if (protocolInfo[_token].status == RampStatus.Close) {
        protocolInfo[_token].status = RampStatus.Open;
    if (_cap >= IRamp(helper).minCap(_token)) {
        protocolInfo[_token].cap = _cap;    
    protocolInfo[_token].salePrice = _salePrice;
    protocolInfo[_token].maxParters = _maxParters;

This function updates parameters of a token market on your dRamp. You can use the _close parameter to close the token market.

deleteProtocol - Admin

function deleteProtocol(address _token) public onlyAdmin {
    require(protocolInfo[_token].minted == protocolInfo[_token].burnt);
    require(protocolInfo[_token].bountyId == 0);
    delete protocolInfo[_token];
    IRamp(helper).emitDeleteProtocol(msg.sender, _token);

This function the market associated to the specified token. This is only possible when the token market has burnt as many of the token as it has minted and there is not bounty currently associated with it

mint - Admin

 function mint(address _token, address to, uint _amount, uint _identityTokenId, string memory _sessionId) external {
    checkIdentityProof(to, _identityTokenId);
    require(IAuth(contractAddress).devaddr_() == msg.sender || isAdmin[msg.sender], "R1");
    require(protocolInfo[_token].status == RampStatus.Open, "R2");
    (uint _mintable,, CollateralStatus _status) = IRamp(IContract(contractAddress).rampAds()).mintAvailable(address(this), _token);
    if (_status == CollateralStatus.OverCollateralized) {
        uint _toMint = Math.min(_mintable, _amount);
        uint _fee;
        uint _payswapFee;
        if (protocolInfo[_token].cap > 0) {
            _fee = Math.min(_toMint * mintFee / 10000, protocolInfo[_token].cap);
            _payswapFee = Math.min(_toMint * IRamp(helper).tradingFee() / 10000, protocolInfo[_token].cap);
        } else {
            _fee = _toMint * mintFee / 10000;
            _payswapFee = _toMint * IRamp(helper).tradingFee() / 10000;
        totalRevenue[_token] += _fee;
        _toMint = _toMint - _fee - _payswapFee;
        protocolInfo[_token].minted += _toMint;
        IRamp(helper).mint(_token, to, _toMint, _payswapFee, _identityTokenId, _sessionId);

This function enables users to mint tokens from a token market. It's only callable by the dRamp's Admin or Payswap's Admin. The

withdraw - Admin

function withdraw(address _token, uint amount) external onlyAdmin {
    IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);

This withdraws available tokens from the dRamp.

updateIndividualProtocol - Anyone

function updateIndividualProtocol(
    address _token, 
    bool _close, 
    uint _cap,
    uint _salePrice,
    uint _maxParters
) external {
    if(AllProtocols.contains(_token)) {
        require(ve(_ve).ownerOf(protocolInfo[_token].tokenId) == msg.sender);
        _updateProtocol(_token, _close, _cap, _salePrice, _maxParters);

function _updateProtocol(
    address _token, 
    bool _close, 
    uint _cap,
    uint _salePrice,
    uint _maxParters
) internal {
    if (_close) {
        protocolInfo[_token].status = RampStatus.Close;
    } else if (protocolInfo[_token].status == RampStatus.Close) {
        protocolInfo[_token].status = RampStatus.Open;
    if (_cap >= IRamp(helper).minCap(_token)) {
        protocolInfo[_token].cap = _cap;    
    protocolInfo[_token].salePrice = _salePrice;
    protocolInfo[_token].maxParters = _maxParters;

This function updates parameters of a token market on a dRamp but can be called by anyone who owns to associated token id. You can use the _close parameter to close the token market.

burn - Anyone

function burn(address _token, uint _amount, uint _identityTokenId) external {
    checkIdentityProof(msg.sender, _identityTokenId);
    uint _toBurn = Math.min(
        protocolInfo[_token].minted - protocolInfo[_token].burnt
    uint _fee;
    uint _payswapFee;
    if (protocolInfo[_token].cap > 0) {
        _fee = Math.min(_toBurn * burnFee / 10000, protocolInfo[_token].cap);
        _payswapFee = Math.min(IRamp(helper).tradingFee() * _toBurn / 10000, protocolInfo[_token].cap);
    } else {
        _fee = _toBurn * burnFee / 10000;
        _payswapFee = IRamp(helper).tradingFee() * _toBurn / 10000;
    _toBurn = _toBurn - _fee - _payswapFee;
    totalRevenue[_token] += _fee;
    IRamp(helper).burn(_token, msg.sender, _toBurn, _fee, _payswapFee);
    protocolInfo[_token].burnt += _toBurn;

This function enables users to burn tokens from a token market

claimPendingRevenue - Anyone

function claimPendingRevenue(address _token, uint _partnerBountyId) external {
    require(!isAdmin[msg.sender] && protocolPartners[_token].contains(_partnerBountyId));
    uint _toPay = IRamp(helper).claimPendingRevenue(_token, msg.sender, _partnerBountyId);
    protocolInfo[_token].minted += _toPay;
    paidRevenue[_token][_partnerBountyId] += _toPay;
    IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _toPay);

This function enables token market partners to claim their pending revenue on the token market

unlockBounty - Anyone

function unlockBounty(address _token, uint _bountyId) external {
    require(protocolInfo[_token].minted == protocolInfo[_token].burnt);
    if(isAdmin[msg.sender]) {
        protocolInfo[_token].bountyId = 0;
    } else if (protocolPartners[_token].contains(_bountyId)) {

This function deattaches a bounty from a token market

checkIdentityProof - Anyone

function checkIdentityProof(address _owner, uint _identityTokenId) public {
    if (collectionId > 0) {
        .checkUserIdentityProof(collectionId, _identityTokenId, _owner);

This function checks that an identity token passes membership identity requirements on the associated channel/collection

updateBounty - Anyone

function updateBounty(address _token, uint _bountyId) external {
    IRamp(helper).checkBounty(msg.sender, _bountyId);
    require(protocolInfo[_token].bountyId == 0);
    protocolInfo[_token].bountyId = _bountyId;

This function enables users to attach a bounty to a token market

addPartner - Anyone

function addPartner(address _token, uint _bountyId) external {
    address rampAds = IContract(contractAddress).rampAds();
    (,,CollateralStatus _status) = IRamp(rampAds).mintAvailable(address(this), _token);
    if (_status == CollateralStatus.UnderCollateralized ||
        protocolInfo[_token].maxParters > protocolPartners[_token].length()
    ) {
        IRamp(helper).checkBounty(msg.sender, _bountyId);
        require(protocolPartners[_token].length() < IContract(contractAddress).maximumSize());
        uint _share = ITrustBounty(IContract(contractAddress).trustBounty()).getBalance(_bountyId) * 10000 / IRamp(helper).getTotalBalance(address(this), _token);
        // do not account for past revenue for new partners
        paidRevenue[_token][_bountyId] += _share * totalRevenue[_token]/ 10000;

This function enables users to partner with a token market and help it become overcollateralized which is necessary for it to become elligible to mint tokens

buyAccount - Anyone

function buyAccount(address _token, uint _tokenId, uint _bountyId) external {
    require(protocolInfo[_token].salePrice > 0);
    require(ve(_ve).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
    IERC20(ve(_ve).token()).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), protocolInfo[_token].salePrice);
    protocolInfo[_token].salePrice = 0;
    soldAccounts += 1;
    _updateBounty(_token, _bountyId);
    updateTokenId(_token, _tokenId);

This function enables users to purchase a token market

buyRamp - Anyone

function buyRamp(address __ve, uint _tokenId, uint[] memory _bountyIds) external {
    require(salePrice > 0 && ve(_ve).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
    require(AllProtocols.length() - soldAccounts == _bountyIds.length);
    IERC20(ve(_ve).token()).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), salePrice);
    for(uint i = 0; i < AllProtocols.length(); i++) {
        uint __tokenId = protocolInfo[AllProtocols.at(i)].tokenId;
        if (isAdmin[ve(_ve).ownerOf(__tokenId)]) {
            _updateBounty(AllProtocols.at(i), _bountyIds[i]);
    isAdmin[msg.sender] = true;
    isAdmin[devaddr_] = false;
    devaddr_ = msg.sender;
    updateDevTokenId(__ve, _tokenId);

This function enables users to purchase an entire dRamp. It requires its salePrice to be above 0 though.

updateProfile & updateDevTokenId & updateBadgeId & updateDevFromToken - Anyone

function updateProfile(address _token, uint _profileId) external {
  require(IProfile(IContract(contractAddress).profile()).addressToProfileId(msg.sender) == _profileId);
  protocolInfo[_token].profileId = _profileId;

function updateDevTokenId(address __ve, uint _tokenId) public {
    require(ve(__ve).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
    _ve = __ve;
    tokenId = _tokenId;

function updateBadgeId(address _token, uint _badgeId) external {
    require(ve(IRamp(helper).badgeNFT()).ownerOf(_badgeId) == msg.sender);
    protocolInfo[_token].badgeId = _badgeId;

function updateDevFromToken(uint _tokenId) external {
    require(ve(_ve).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender);
    require(tokenId == _tokenId);
    isAdmin[devaddr_] = false;
    devaddr_ = msg.sender;
    isAdmin[msg.sender] = true;

If the Owner needs to change the ownership of the contract, they can call this function.

Last updated