Заметки о чеканке и претензии

Minting Notes

Here is a step-by-step guide to minting notes on your account in an ARP contract:

  • Go to your ARP contract, click on the Details button to expose its panel and at the bottom left of your ARP's panel, click on your account's ID (in the image below, we clicked on 4 since that is our account ID):

  • In your control panel's menu, click on the Transfer To Note Payable button

  • Fill in the form and validate the transaction.

Congratulations! You have successfully minted a note to transfer part or all of your future revenue onto a note. You can sell that note on the ARP eCollectibles' channel in order to access your future revenue now.

Claiming Notes

Whenever a note you've purchased is due, you can claim it through its ARP contract. Here is a step-by-step guide to doing that:

  • Find the ARP contract of the note you've purchased on the ARPs page

  • Click on the Details button to expose the panel of your ARP and click on its Control Panel button

  • Click on the Claim Note button from the control panel's menu, fill in your note's token ID, and validate the transaction.

Congratulations! You have successfully claimed your note's earnings.

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