
Our current list of products

There are opportunities for business all around us. With PaySwap's products, you can focus on getting users and leave the technical to our products:

  • Exchange: you can make money getting users you trade on pair of tokens for which you have provided liquidity

  • dRamps: you can make money helping people transfer money on or off of blockchains

  • CanCan: you can deploy marketplaces, storefronts or just an interface for your business where you can sell your service/product or put people in relation that have services/products to sell/boy

  • eCollectibles: you can deploy NFT marketplaces

  • Accelerator: you can raise funds for you business

  • Referrals: you can make money referring people to businesses on CanCan

  • Contributors: you can make money helping businesses on CanCan with customer/tech support

  • ARPs: you can manage people finances or setup an automatic payroll for your employees

  • Bills: you can setup a bookkeeping, tax accounting or fintech businesses

  • Auditors

Last updated