
Auditor contract are smart contracts deployed on the blockchain that enable users to setup auditing agreements, get verified and/or pay for audits.

Deploying An Auditor Contract

Here is a step by step guide to deploying an Audit contract:

  • Fill in the form that pops up and validate the transaction

  • Make sure your are still connected to your blockchain and tick the Mine Only button to only show your auditor contracts; if you still cannot find your contract, reload the page and try again

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed an auditor contract.

Auditor Categories

Once you've deployed your auditor's contract, your next step is to classify it by picking the type of audits you will be doing with your contract

Auditor TypeAuditor CategoryDescriptionMinimum Color

SSID Auditors


These auditors create users' SSIDs


Natural Resources/Mining Auditors


These auditors tokenize users' natural resources and audit companies or users in the mining workspace


Real Estate Auditors


These auditors tokenize users' real estate assets and audit companies or users in the real estate workspace


Transportation Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in transportation workspace


Energy Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in energy workspace


Healthcare Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in healthcare workspace


Food Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in food workspace


Beverage Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in beverage workspace


Law & Order Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in law & order workspace


Apparel & Beauty & Cosmetics Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in apparel & beauty & cosmetics workspace


Culture & Entertainment Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in culture & entertainment workspace


NSFW Auditors


These auditors audit companies or users in nsfw workspace


Software & Telco & Other Auditors


This is for auditors in the Software & Telco & Other workspace or for any auditor that doesn't fit in any of the categories above


Personal Posession Auditors


These auditors tokenize users' personal posessions


Nature Auditors


These auditors tokenize users' embarassing/compromising photos/information


Future Collaterals


These auditors mint future collaterals to their users




This is for auditors of firms in the finance sector


Once you've picked your category, update on your auditor contract. Go to your auditor contract's control panel menu and click on the Update Category button

  • Enter the number in the table above corresponding to your auditor category and validate the form.

  • The next step is to attach an application link to your auditor contract so users know how to apply for an audit. Once again, in the control panel's menu of your auditor contract, click on the Update Application button; enter the link to a google form (or another application form) that users can fill to apply to work with you. Make sure the form collects their contact information so you can reach out to them if you are willing to work with them.

Congratulations! You have deployed and updated your auditor contract.

Auditor Colors

Auditors are classified in 4 different categories depending on the amount of votes the get from the community. An auditor's color is a measure of his/her trustworthiness and some businesses might only be willing to do business with you if you have the right color as an auditor. The colors of auditors contracts are:

  • Gold: for auditors that have received more votes in their specific category than 75%+ of auditors in that category

  • Silver: for auditors that have received more votes in their specific category than 50%+ of auditors in that category

  • Brown: for auditors that have received more votes in their specific category than 25%+ of auditors in that category

  • Black: for auditors that have received less votes in their specific category than 75%+ of auditors in that category

To vote for an auditor contract, you need to have a unique profile. You can read the guides on this page to understand how to create a unique profile:


Here is a step by step guide to voting for an auditor contract:

  • Go to the auditor contract's control panel menu and click on the Vote button. Enter your unique profile id, specify whether you like/dislike to auditor and validate the transaction.

You should be able to see your vote reflected in the auditor contract's Likes/Dislikes section (on the top panel). The contract in the image below has 0 likes and 1 dislike.

You should also be able to set the auditor contract's color in the left section of the panel. The contract in the image below is Silver.

Get further support from the community here.

Last updated