
Cancelling Your Stake

In case of conflict with your partner stakes, you can decide to just cancel the sake such that each party is refunded any tokens that the party might have put in the stake.

To do so, go to the control panel menu of your stake and click on the Update Agreement button

Set the agreement level to Not Good and validate the transaction. Once every other partner in the stake has update his/her stake's agreement level to Not Good as well, any stake owner that has tokens in the partnership will be able to withdraw it by cancelling his/her stake.

To cancel your stake, go to its panel and make sure you've selected that stake by clicking on its ID. In the example below, we've selected the stake with ID 1

Click on the Control Panel button and then on the Cancel Stake button. Make sure the ID of the stake is the right one and validate the transaction.

This will cancel your stake and refund any tokens you might have, locked in the contract.


In some cases you might not be able to agree with your partners on refunding each party its due. In that case, you will have to go through a litigation process in which you leave it up to the community of your stake's workspace to decide on which party is in the right.

Before you start any litigation, make sure you update the gas percentage on your stake, this is the percentage of the amount of tokens you've currently deposited into your stake that you are willing to pay the community for voting on your litigation. The more you are willing to pay the community, the more weight your litigation will have and therefore, the more votes it will receive.

Remember that the gas fee is not a bribe and will not determine whether the voters vote for/against you since they will be paid equally either way, just as long as they vote on the litigation.

If you do not have any tokens in the stake yet and are willing to pay incentivize votes on your litigation, you should deposit some tokens and then update the gas percentage on your stake.

The total gas paid for your litigations will be computed as such:

gas = (your_gas_fee * your_tokens_deposited + partner_gas_fee * partner_tokens_deposited) / 100

For a guide on how to update the gas percentage of your stake or how to deposit tokens in your stake, please read the sections below.

To start a litigation, go to the panel of your stake, click on its ID to select it and then on the Control Panel button. From the control panel menu, click on the Start Waiting Period button. Enter your stake ID as the Attacker ID and the ID of the stake you want to attack

This will start a waiting period during which you and the stake you are attacking have the ability to update the payment terms update you are requesting.

If the initial payments terms stated that your stake will pay a one time payment (Period Receivable set to 0) of 10 USD (Amount Receivable) to the partner stake for instance, and you now disagree with that (maybe because the owner of the partner stake has not fulfilled a service that he/she was suppose to fulfill), you both have until the end of the waiting period to each propose new payment terms and let the community decide which one is the right one.

In case of a litigation, you both will have conflicting payment terms and the terms of the party that wins the community vote will be accepted as the new terms of the contract. Continuing with the example above, you might now be willing to pay 0 USD (Amount Receivable) and receive 10 USD (Amount Payable) as a refund back from the partner stake.

In case the funds are still locked in escrow, the refund will still be possible. Otherwise, you can only withdraw what's left in escrow no matter if you win the vote or not, so be sure to only let your partners withdraw as many tokens as you are ready to let them withdraw.

The duration of the waiting period depends on each stake and is set when creating the stake. It is also updated when accepting stake applications. If the waiting period on your stake was 24 hrs for instance and you accept an application from a stake that proposes a waiting period of 30 minutes, the waiting period of your stake will be updated from 24 hrs to 30 minutes. So make sure you read the proposed waiting periods on the stakes that you accept as partners.

During the waiting period before the start of your litigation, you can update the new payment terms of your stake contract by going to the control panel menu of your stake and clicking on the Update Before Litigation button

Propose new payment terms and validate the transaction.

You should now wait for the end of the waiting period to actual start the litigation. Once the waiting period ends, you should be able to see the mention Litigation ongoing on your stake like in the image below

Click on the Control Panel button and then on the Start Litigations button

This will open up the litigation creation page below

Enter your stake ID as the attacker and your partner's stake ID the defender. Write an short but clear title and provide more details on the conflict in the body section. Make sure you provide links to any proof, screenshots of conversations, etc. Anything that might help convince the community so that it votes for your newly proposed payment terms.

Validate and confirm the transaction. and then go to the litigation page by clicking on the Voting button in the breadcrumbs section of the page

Use the search bar to search for your litigation from the litigation page by parent stake ID. The parent stake in a stake partnership is the first stake, the one that has accepted applications from all the other partner stakes. To search for your stake, you will need to search for the ID of your parent stake.

Click on it to go to its voting page and proceed to voting. You can read a guide on how to vote on the page below under the Voting section, since voting on a stakemarket litigation is very similar to voting on a trustBounty litigation.

The details page of a stakemarket litigation is different from that of a trustBounty though. On a stakemarket litigation, you will be able to view in the Details section, the proposed terms of both parties involved in the litigation. As we can see in the image below both parties are proposing conflicting terms, the terms of the winning party will be considered the new terms of their stake partnership.

After the voting window has closed, you can run a function to apply the new payment terms to your stake partnership.

To do so, click on the Apply Results at the bottom left section of your litigation's voting page

This will update the new terms of the contract but wait for a period of 7 days for a potential appeal before allowing the winner to make any withdrawal from the stake.

The loser of the vote has 7 days to appeal the vote or the results of the current vote will be considered final. You should be able to view the number of time left until the end of the appeal window on you stake panel like in the image below where we have 6 days 13 hours and 9 minutes left.

During the appeal window, the loser of the vote can appeal the decision of the community. To do so, click on the Control Panel button and then on the Update Status Or Appeal button

This will open up the appeal page so you could input the reasons of your appeal, the stake ID of the attacker on the litigation and validate the transaction

Keep in mind that appeals are not necessarily free, if you want the community to vote on your appeal, you will need to incentivize them with tokens like described above and this time your partner that has won the previous litigation might not be willing to add gas to the litigation in order to incentivize votes on it.

Appeals are essentially new litigations, they go through the same 7 days voting period and can be appealed as well. This whole process can keep going on as long as at least one of the parties involved is willing to keep paying gas fees on litigations.

When the appeal window has closed and there has not been any appeals submitted, the winning party will be able to apply the terms he/she proposed during the litigations, to the stake partnership. To do so, go to the control panel menu of your stake and click on the Update Status Or Appeal button

This will open up the status update page, you do not need to input a title or a body here, just the attacker stake ID of the litigation you just won and validate the transaction.

Congratulations !!! You should now be able to withdraw tokens from your stake partnership according to the winning payment terms of the litigation.

Updating Gas Percentage

To update the gas percentage of your stake, go to the control panel menu of your stake and then click on the Update Requirements' button, set the Gas Percent parameter to the desired value (in the image below, we're setting it to 1% of all the tokens we've deposited into the stake)

Validate and confirm the transaction. You should be able to see the changes reflected in the parameters' section of your parent stake (which is the stake you applied to or the stake you used to accept applications). If you do not see the changes but the update operation went smoothly, reload the page and check again.

Depositing Tokens Into A Stake

To deposit tokens into your stake, make sure you find your parent stake and that you select your stake from its panel like in the image below where we've selected the stake with ID 1

Click on the Control Panel button and then on the Deposit button

Enter the amount of tokens you wish to deposit and validate the transaction. You should be able to see the changes reflected in the parameters' section of your stake through the Paid Receivable parameter which should have increased by the amount you've just deposited minus PaySwap's share of 1%

You should also be able to see the Total Liquidity parameter on your panel increase by the amount you've just deposited

If you do not see the changes but the transaction went smoothly, reload the page and check again.

Voting Compensation

PaySwap enables you to be compensated for participating in litigation votes regardless of how you vote.

Each litigation has a weight associated with it representing the extent to which each of them has contributed to the total reward pool. The reward pool is distributed among voters with respect to how many votes they've participated in and the litigations they've voted on.

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