Buying Through Valuepools/DAOs
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Some Valuepools allow their members to use part of their funds to purchase items on the marketplace. If you are a member of such a Valuepool, make sure your Valuepool, figure out the sellers that are approved by your Valuepool and if any of those sellers has a product/service you like, you can use your Valuepool's fund to purchase it.
To buy products/services through a Valuepool, you will need to be a member of the Valuepool and also the sellers of the products/services would have to be approved by the Valuepool. Here is a step by step guide to buying items through Valuepools:
Go to the product's channel and find the product you want to purchase in its list of products
Click on the product to display its product page like in the image below
Click on the Buy button to display the purchase wizard like in the image below on the left then click on the Contract tab to show the form in the image on the right. Click on the Details button to display some addresses of Valuepools that partner with the current channel. Input the address of the Valuepool you would like to use to fund your purchase in the field Funding Contract, input the id of your token in the Valuepool and fill in the rest of the fields as well. Each parameter has description available when you hover over its help icon.
Click on Pick Rank and confirm the purchase. This will tell the Valuepool's random number generator to pick a random rank of withdrawal in the Valuepool (this will determine your rank in the Valuepool's withdrawal queue).
Wait 30 seconds for a random order to be picked for you in the Valuepool and then click on the Buy button and Contract tab again, fill in the form with your Valuepool address and token id again (as well all other information needed). Now click on the Check Rank button to check the rank that was picked and validate the transaction.
Click on the All Items button at the top of the channel's main page.
On the main page, click on the Contracts tab and then on the Valuepools tab. Find your Valuepool and if you cannot find it in the list, search for it on this page
In your Valuepool's panel, you should see a Toggle Purchases button. Click on it to reveal the purchases queue for your Valuepool. Keep clicking on the Execute Next Purchase button until your own scheduled purchase gets executed
An NFTicket/eReceipt is minted to your wallet address after each purchase. You should be able to confirm your purchase by going back to the main page of your product/service's channel, clicking on the Activity Tab, and viewing your recent purchase (you can also filter with the Sold tag to only list purchases). In the image below, we can see our recently purchased item 290-uber. We know it is our recent purchase because of the purchase date and the wallet address of the buyer (in the TO column) which is ours.
To view your NFTicket/eReceipt you can click on the green ticket next to your item's name. You can also view a list of all your NFTickets under the NFTickets tab on your profile page
You should now head over to PayChat to notify your seller of the transaction and provide him/her with any necessary information to complete the sale (like your delivery address, phone number, etc.). A list of all contact channels provided by the seller is available under the Buy button on the product page unless no contact channel was provided by the seller.
Congratulations! You have successfully purchased your first product through a Valuepool.